About Us

We provide a Free & Secure Credit Report Service.

Some services claim that they can provide your credit report for ‘free’ but at the last minute you get hit with fees.

Our service is free and there are no hidden fees or obligations. You can get your Free Credit Report online. Once you have filled out our short form, we’ll email your credit report and credit score in 1 business day.

Our Aim

We pride ourselves on our ability to:

  • Provide a FREE Service.
  • Securely provide your latest Australian credit report.
  • Explain your credit report, including any discrepancies.

How we protect your information

Our information is supplied by Equifax Australia, the largest database of credit in Australia. Free Credit Report uses SSL which provides a secure connection between internet browsers & websites, allowing you to transmit data privately whilst you are online.

What is SSL used for?

An SSL certificate is used by millions of e-Business providers to protect their customers, ensuring their online transactions remain confidential. A website should use encryption where a client is expected to submit confidential data, including credit card details, passwords or any personal information.

You are dealing with Loans 123 Pty Ltd, ACN 626 143 333, Australian Credit Licence 512846, trading as Free Credit ReportĀ . When you complete the application for your free credit report, you will be contacted by a representative of Loans 123 Pty Ltd to discuss any financing requirements you may have.