How It Works

How You Can Get Credit Score Australia

Getting your credit score with your free credit report has never been easier. Our 3 step process means you’ll get a copy of your credit report online and for no charge:

Step 1

Complete our short form online. It only takes a few minutes & is secure.

Step 2

Click submit. We’ll retrieve your latest credit report.

Step 3

Check your emails. We’ll email your credit report in 1 business day for free.

Our simple process means that you’ll know your credit score in no time. Getting your latest credit report gives you the ability to:

  • Check your current credit score,
  • See if there are any defaults against your name,
  • Catch identity theft early through suspicious credit enquiries,
  • Understand your borrowing ability.

How We Protect Your Information

This website is encrypted with SSL security certificate. This means we provide a secure connection that allows you to transmit data privately online. We retrieve your credit report from leading Australian credit database, Equifax.

Complete our free credit report form to get your credit report with your credit score!

Credit Scores in Australia

In Australia, knowing your credit score is more important than you think.

Your credit score has a big impact on the outcome of credit applications made. When you apply for credit, lenders will complete a credit check on your file. This includes credit applications for a:

  • Mortgage
  • Car Loan
  • Personal Loan
  • Credit Card

This is to review your credit history and measure your credit worthiness. Apart from affordability, your credit score is likely the biggest influence on the loan outcome.

We help thousands of Australian’s obtain their credit score, so get your copy of your free credit file and free credit score australia today. In Australia the three main credit reporting bodies that hold this information, they are Equifax, Experian and Dun and Bradstreet. You can request one free copy per year.

What Does My Credit Score Mean?

When you receive your Credit Report you will generally have a credit score from 0 to 1200.

  • Excellent: 833 to 1200
  • Very Good: 726 to 832
  • Good: 622 to 725
  • Average: 510 to 621
  • Below Average: 0 to 509
  • 0 to -999 this indicates that you are currently bankrupt or in a debt agreement

If there are any inaccuracies, contact the credit provider or Equifax Australia to correct them. If you’re in hardship, seek out a financial advisor or work out a payment plan with credit providers.