Check your credit file & get your free credit report online.
You are dealing with Loans 123 Pty Ltd
1. You are sending your personal information to Loans 123 Pty Ltd, ACN 626 143 333, Australian Credit Licence 512846, trading as Free Credit Report (“Free Credit Report”, “our”, “us”, “we”) to request Free Credit Report to obtain a copy of your credit file from Equifax Australia Information Services and Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 26 000 602 862) (Equifax), a Credit Reporting Body.
2. The provision of these reports involves dealing with your personal information including credit reporting information. It is therefore very important that you acknowledge when requesting a copy of your credit file that:
Whilst obtaining a copy of your credit file through us will not affect your credit score, it will leave an enquiry on your credit file which will only be seen by you. The Privacy Act provides a penalty for obtaining by false pretence access to an individual’s credit file in the possession of a credit reporting body.
No Fee
3. We will provide a copy of your credit file free of charge. You are entitled through our service to only one free credit report every 90 days. If you apply twice within 90 days, you will not receive another free copy.
4. We will dispatch one copy of your credit file via email in one business day after you provide your information.
Proof of Identity
5. Given that we are dealing with personal information, Free Credit Report takes reasonable steps to satisfy itself that all personal information it dispatches goes to the correct person. We may make enquiries to help satisfy ourselves that you are who you say you are. If the information you provide us does not meet our current security requirements, we may contact you and ask you to provide additional documentation to prove your identity. In this case we may take longer than one
business day to provide your credit file. If you do not provide sufficient information and/or we are not satisfied that you have proved your identity, we may refuse to supply you with the service.
6. For security and related reasons you must provide us with an up-to-date and a valid email address. If for any reasons you change your email address you must notify us of that change immediately. This is essential for you to receive your credit file in a secure manner. You can do this by contacting us on 1800 100 100
Use of your information by Free Credit Report
7. Free Credit Report will use and disclose your personal information in the following ways:
Free Credit Report
2 Cargill St
Victoria Park WA 6100
Or call on: 1800 100 100
Important Legal Notice
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
8. Subject to certain exemptions, you have a right to access personal information that we hold about you. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.
9. Your credit file is based on information provided to credit reporting bodies like Equifax by credit providers in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. Credit reporting bodies do not independently check the information supplied to them and credit reporting bodies do not guarantee the accuracy of that information. You have rights to correct your credit file in accordance with the Privacy Act.
10. The Privacy Act permits individuals to appoint another entity to authorise a credit reporting body to provide credit reporting information about an individual to that other entity. An entity appointed by an individual for this purpose is known as an “Access Seeker”. The law places strict prohibitions on the entities that may be appointed as an Access Seeker on an individual.
11. By submitting an application for a free credit file, you are appointing Free Credit Report as your Access Seeker and you authorise us to contact Equifax and obtain your credit file.
12. As an Access Seeker the information we will provide to credit reporting bodies includes your identification details. However we do not provide any credit reporting information to credit reporting bodies.
13. If authorised by you, we may also use your information from credit reporting bodies to assist you to obtain a quote for a loan from a lender which may also include disclosing any adverse information contained in your credit file.
14. Free Credit Report can vary these Terms and Conditions at any time by prior written notice of at least 14 days on our website.
Governing Law
15. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Western Australia and both Free Credit Report and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.
Last Updated: 8 January 2019